Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Decoding The SEO Tactics Now For Swelled Profits!

You are reading this blog suggests that you are keen to hone your search engine optimisation skills so as to beat the heat of the competition in the digital market without stretching your budget to unbearable limits. Isn’t it? Your decision to stop here will be well rewarded with few easy to follow on-site and off-site SEO tactics. These simple tricks can help you leverage the benefits of your newly started blog or a website that offers unique content but lacks high traffic from various search engines.

So, here we go with our carefully chosen tricks!

Off-site SEO tricks-

a)   Social media optimisation

Interlinking your website with all the suitable social media platforms such as Facebook (engagement), Pinterest (pictures) or youtube (videos) helps in earning visibility following which comes the leads to your business.
b)  Social bookmarking

Leverage the power of internet by submitting your pages or posts to bookmarking sites such as Reddit, Digg and Delicious. Just handle the tags well set yourself for a surprise as these platforms are regularly updated and ranked higher by the search engines.  

c)   Link building

Earn inbound links through quality content, interlinking your website to other relevant sites or shoot a humble email to bloggers from your niche so as to exchange links genuinely by informing them about your blog.

This further highlights the importance of partnering with the Best Content Marketing Company in Noida or India so as to win the SEO game organically!   

d)  Forum Activity

Participate and be active at relevant forums to answer the questions of the readers, offer a solution or help (with your expertise) and discuss the topic under discussion in good detail. Marketing your brand on a forum of good repute can help build your online reputation as an authority.  
e)   Business reviews

Inviting reviews from your customers and listing them on your blog/website prompt search engines to rank it higher on SERPs. Also list your business on platforms like DigitalClassifieds.in for free classifieds or UrbanBusiness.in for free business listing to enhance the visibility of your business.

On-site tricks

a)  Keyword optimised content

The most basic on-page SEO tactic is to employ keyword optimised content on your website/blog to attract the web traffic organically. The dynamics of this phenomenon is well understood and implemented by the Best SEO Company in Noida or India such as Websolutions.world.

b)  Niche/theme to build your website around

You would agree that to have a niche for your blog saves a lot of time of your readers. This in turn is rewarded by the popular search engines such as Yahoo, Google and Bing in the form of higher rankings.

A reader friendly website design/layout that is functional on various devices also adds up to the brownie points when it comes to impressing the SEs with your website/blog online. 

c)   Update consistently

Updating the content on a consistent basis on your selected platforms naturally helps in securing the top positions on the ranking pages. The same content can be repurposed to be used on different platforms. This can save you some pennies without risking the traffic flow.   

d)  Choosing domain name wisely

If the domain name of your business is keyword optimised and is one that has not been used before then there are chances that you drive in much more web traffic as compared to a site with a dull/irrelevant name.  

e)   Submit to search engines  

The idea of submitting the URL of your website/blog to major search engines such as Yahoo or Google may be time consuming but is an option worth your consideration.

You may also choose high ranking relevant sites to link our site to but there is a word of caution here. You must be attentive to the details of the site you choose and it must not be a spammed site or the one with zero relevance to your business.

To wrap it up

The above listed 10 SEO tactics are sure to accelerate your SEO score to a considerable level without requiring you to put in much effort in the initial stages of operation. The on-site and off-site SEO tactics are often guessed by majority of the marketers and to discuss all of them is beyond the scope of this blog. But it is certainly a good idea to begin with some concrete steps as listed above! 

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